I’m Sheena. My favorite place to be is Outside; digging in the dirt, running through the trees, wishing on stars with my family. I’m a mother, wife, nurse, and student of life--I LOVE to learn. I take pictures and scribble words. I love good food and believe in balance when it comes to what we eat; pizza in one hand, kale in the other. I’m quiet in a crowd but my wheels are always turning. My hair is a bit unruly and I am slightly unpolished.
I am lead by emotions--I deeply feel the highs, lows, and all the inbetweens of life--for better and for worse (and for the pure entertainment of my kids when a sappy commercial plays).
I am passionate about wellness. My definition of what it means to BE WELL has evolved over time. For too long I focused only on the movement. I then started to shift and recognize the importance of how we fuel our bodies. It’s only been this last year or so that I’ve really began to incorporate the way we care for who we are DEEP inside--from our minds to our souls--the core of what makes us, US.
I got into nursing because I wanted to help people. Be healthy. Be better. But I’ve also realized that I can help and inspire away from the bedside. Encourage people to look at the world and recognize the gift that is this life.
So that’s what you’ll find here, LIFE: how I see it, feel it, experience it, in hopes that you will get out and do the same. This is a space to plant my thoughts, toss them in the dirt and watch them grow.